Children grow safely while exploring their environment through boundaries. These rules not only shape their behavior but also support their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Strong boundaries help children develop empathy, self-discipline, and problem-solving skills. Children feel safe in an environment surrounded by rules and boundaries, which boosts their self-confidence.
MoreStool withholding behavior (encopresis) is a condition commonly observed in children aged 2–6, characterized by the refusal or postponement of defecation. This behavior involves the child consciously or unconsciously controlling their muscles to prevent the passage of stool. Stool withholding typically begins to manifest during the ages of 1–3 when muscle control is developing.
MoreWhen monitoring children´s development, one of the areas evaluated is social development. Social development is assessed based on how a child positions themselves and others and the behaviors they produce accordingly. In this process, the acquisition of social skills in children plays a significant role in social development evaluation.
MoreResilience is defined as the ability of individuals to cope with difficulties and adapt to stressful situations, learning and growing from challenging experiences. Developing the capacity to handle various challenges life presents is crucial for children´s overall well-being and long-term success from childhood to adulthood. Resilience is an important skill not only in times of crisis but also in handling everyday obstacles.
MoreChildren have their own character: some might pursue freedom more than others and some are comfortable with limitations. Despite such preferences, all children need boundaries to make them feel safe. Parents are better off recognizing this need of their children and demonstrate clear and consistent behavior towards them.
MoreWhy would we want young children to learn a second language while they are focused on learning their primary one? It seems like this would be learning overload at a time when they are also learning how to be friends, count, play on the playground and so much more.
MoreBrightKids Preschool met its parents with a seminar to discuss the role of parents in raising children who can fulfil personal care by themselves and grow as individuals who can deal effectively with own problems, handle stress, realize and undertake own responsibilities.
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Kişisel Veri tanımımız 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanununda yapılan tanım ile uyumludur. Bu kanuna göre kişisel veri, kimliği belirli veya belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgiyi ifade etmektedir. Kişisel veriden söz edebilmek için, verinin bir gerçek kişiye ilişkin olması ve bu kişinin de belirli ya da belirlenebilir nitelikte olması gerekmektedir.
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Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu ve yürürlükte bulunan diğer mevzuat çerçevesinde kalmak kaydıyla kurumumuz ile yazılı veya sözlü iletişim kurarak kişisel verilerinizin işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, kişisel verileriniz işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme, kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, kişisel verilerinizin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması halinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme, kişisel verilerinizin silinmesini isteme haklarına sahipsiniz. Bu haklarınızı kullanma konusunda BrightKids Eğitim Hizmetleri Ticaret Limited Şirketi sizler ile işbirliği yapmayı ilke edinmiştir.